Miranda Slaven

Nursery Manager

Over the past 27 years I have dedicated my working life to children and their families. For the past 17 years of my career, I have been a Deputy Manager in a busy children's nursery.

I have gained valuable leadership qualities which I use on a daily basis to encourage the team I work with to focus on tasks and produce good quality work. I have learned about the main principles of the " Getting it right for every child" agenda and I am familiar with the wellbeing indicators.

I am used to working in a key person system making good quality observations providing depth and balance to children's learning. I believe in a pedagogical approach of open-ended resources in a rich natural learning environment.

I am very confident in planning, organising challenging play experiences underpinned by the pre-birth to three and curriculum for excellence guidelines.

I pride myself in my organisational skills and very much enjoy supporting and motivating staff to succeed.


Pinocchio's Children’s Nurseries are a group of 5 award winning children's nurseries across Edinburgh & Midlothian.

We currently have purpose built day nurseries in Eskbank, Lasswade, Penicuik, Heriot Watt and Gilmerton.

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