Lasswade Nursery Facilities

We have 3 playrooms at Lasswade:

  • A Baby Room for our babies aged 3months to around 1 ½ - 2 years old.
  • A Junior Room for our 2 - 3 year old children
  • An Early Learning Room which caters for our 3-5 year olds.

We are very lucky to be surrounded by beautiful woodland areas which are just a short walk away from the nursery which we use regularly for Nature Nurture sessions and Lasswade park. 

We also have close connections with our sister nursery Eskbank and often collaborate to deliver Forest School sessions.

Our story corners are places where our children can go to relax and explore a range of books and stories. Our children have opportunities to enhance their listening, talking and thinking skills which is supported by our dedicated practitioners

The sand is a very popular area for our busy learners! Sand play provides many effective learning opportunities such as problem solving, rich conversations, model making and of course having fun!

With a range of different shaped blocks, our children are able to freely explore this area. Often, our children can be found building, problem solving and designing fabulous models. Having this area within our playrooms allows our children to learn about different shapes, sizes and positions. It provides opportunities for literacy and numeracy as our children make use of the paper, clip boards and pencils to draw their design

Our children are independent learners and take proud responsibility of making their own playdough. We have a selection of colours and scents which they can select to add into their dough mix. Learning opportunities are vast in this area including, fine motor control, role play and imagination, exploring patterns, shapes and sizes and exploring senses

Loose parts are materials that can be moved, carried, lined up and taken apart/put back together in multiple ways. They are materials with no specific set of directions and can be both natural and synthetic. Our children are able to access a range of loose parts both indoors and out throughout the day. The learning opportunities that come with exploring loose parts are endless! Our children explore their imagination and creativity.

  • Kirsty our Junior Supervisor is a keen baker and offers this activity across the nursery, baking with all ages which we then have at snack time. 
  • Raquel our Early Learning support worker provides Spanish lessons which our children always look forward to. 
  • Stacey our Early Learning Supervisor provides interactive story time sessions across the nursery. This gives our children more opportunities to create, re- tell and discuss stories using their own homemade props. Stacey is also completing Peep Training which is building on her skills to work with parents/carers and children together. This will enhance learning opportunities at both home and nursery. Stacey will be delivering these sessions on completion to parents/carers.
  • Hollie our Baby Room Practitioner is currently undergoing Starcatchers Training which will allow her to bring creative experiences from across the curriculum into all playrooms. 

Our children always look forward to coming into the nursery, discovering what they will be learning and exploring each day. We offer a variety of resources that our children are able to explore throughout the day. We all love to play and our children learn so many life skills from this – sharing, looking after and taking responsibility for resources, turn taking and building friendships and leadership skills. Our children are supported by knowledgeable practitioners who scaffold their learning providing rich opportunities for learning.

We can often be found out at the local park, libraries and charity shops. Our children spend a lot of time in these places and chatting to those in the local community discovering what they do and how they can help us. We love to find out about everyone who can help us in our local community and often talk to our post man and wheelie bin men! 

We have a close connection with our local Care Home – Drummond Grange and visit here throughout the year to spend time with our older friends. This has a great effect on our children who learn about who can help us as we get older and how we can help them. The children love to send up their artworks and baking.

Pinocchio's Children’s Nurseries are a group of 5 award winning children's nurseries across Edinburgh & Midlothian.

We currently have purpose built day nurseries in Eskbank, Lasswade, Penicuik, Heriot Watt and Gilmerton.

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